Lifestyle blogger. Growth hacker in fintech & blockchain. Futurist. I write for myself.
I have a pretty odd but curious story to share, as we begin to close the book on one of the worst years in modern history. When I used to rap from 1998 to 2004, I used to save a copy of all my written lyrics in Notepad. After putting out an album with the Sworn Allies, followed by an album under the duo Infliktion, my next idea was to release my own solo album, titled “Philanthropy”...
As a quick disclaimer: I wrote this 3-part article titled “My Name Was Ruckus” back in 2010-ish, and never had a chance to republish it after my blog went self-destruct on me. I’ve made a few choice edits, mostly to improve on amateur writing, but also because I have a lot more foresight on what should or shouldn’t be published online. Nonetheless, I’ve packaged up...
“Why is my son being charged $10,000?“ She wanted answers. After receiving an inflated bill in the mail from the University of New Brunswick Saint John (UNBSJ) for her son’s tuition, Roxy, an immigrant to Canada in the 1970s, had spent over four hours waiting to speak to somebody in the registrar’s office. She sat in an office with a supervisor, a gentle and polite woman...
A public service announcement for those that are wondering why I seemingly stopped tweeting and abruptly unfollowed everyone. In case you’re wondering why I haven’t tweeted at all for the duration of this awful pandemic, or if you were confused why I unfollowed you and hundreds of others people I was following, my Twitter account was recently hacked. I haven’t been able to...
RAMONE is a composition of non-fiction short stories and introspections by Reggie Tan.
Howdy. I first started blogging on in 2009, with a dedicated focus on men's lifestyle and stories of inebriation. Shortly after, I was listed as a top Canadian blogger, and over the next decade, I've collaborated with hundreds of notable brands.
Then I grew up. As of late, I've graduated to writing about life experiences, well-researched opinions, and hopefully a few things you might find useful.
This is my memory vault.
About me-Power user of technology. Style guy. Avid gamer. Obsessed with the Cybertruck. Lyrical poet. I like my beats bottom heavy. Madaline is ∞. Only God can judge me. INTP. Birthed in the East Coast of Canada by a pair of cool Filipino parents. Cautiously ADHD. I prefer my whisky neat with a tumbler of room-temp water. Otherwise, a pint of your best draught will do.
I'm a member of the anti-social club. Happily retired from Facebook or Instagram. My verified Twitter account was recently hacked. I do use LinkedIn for business.